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        @Component 和 @Named 都用于同一个 bean 类


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                  本文介绍了@Component 和 @Named 都用于同一个 bean 类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  在 Spring 应用程序中充当 bean 的类是否同时需要 @Component@Named?

                  Does a class which will act as a bean in a Spring application require both @Component and @Named at the same time?


                  What is the significance if both are used so?


                  I tried searching the net as well as saw the standard documentation of these annotations and found them a bit confusing.

                  如果 @Named 注释没有为 bean 指定任何名称,那么最终应用程序会采用哪个名称?

                  Finally which name is taken by the application if the @Named annotation does not specify any name for the bean?


                  @Component@Named 是基本上做同样事情的注解,但来自不同的 API.

                  @Component and @Named are annotations that basically do the same thing, but come from different APIs.

                  @Component 属于 Spring API.它将要自动检测为 bean 的类标记为可以选择允许您为该 bean 指定一个名称 (@Component("foo")).如果没有明确的名称规范,检测到的 bean 将获得一个从其类的名称派生的默认名称.

                  @Component belongs to Spring API. It marks class to be autodetected as a bean and optionally allows you to specify a name for that bean (@Component("foo")). Without explicit name specification detected bean will get a default name derived from the name of its class.

                  @Named 属于 javax.inject API.它将类标记为自动检测为 bean,并要求您指定名称.

                  @Named belongs to javax.inject API. It marks class to be autodetected as a bean and requires you to specify a name.

                  Spring 支持这两种 API.在同一个类中使用这两个注解是没有意义的,因为它们提供相同的功能.

                  Spring supports both these APIs. It doesn't make sense to use both annotations at the same class since they provide the same functionality.


                  • 3.10 类路径扫描和托管组件

                  这篇关于@Component 和 @Named 都用于同一个 bean 类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:@OneToOne(optional=false) 和 @JoinColumn(nullable=false) 一起 下一篇:注释 vs XML,优点和缺点



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