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        Java 包 com 和 org

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                • 本文介绍了Java 包 com 和 org的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




                  根据Sun,包的命名空间应与您的域名相反,然后是您认为合适的名称.大多数公司或组织都有 .com.org 域名,因此大多数软件包以 com.org 开头..引用 Sun 代码约定:


                  唯一包名的前缀总是用全小写的ASCII字母写的,应该是顶级域名之一,目前是com、edu、gov、mil、net、org,或者是英文两个之一- 标识 ISO 标准 3166, 1981 中规定的国家/地区的字母代码.


                  他们提供的示例清楚地表明您应该使用公司的 DNS 名称:





                  您还将看到 edu.net. 打包出 在野外也是如此,尽管它们不太常见.

                  What are the meaning of the packages org and com in Java?


                  According to Sun, packages should be namespaced according to the inverse of your domain name, and then followed by whatever you see fit. Most companies or organisations have a .com, or .org domain name, and hence most packages start with com. or org.. To quote from the Sun Code Conventions:

                  The prefix of a unique package name is always written in all-lowercase ASCII letters and should be one of the top-level domain names, currently com, edu, gov, mil, net, org, or one of the English two-letter codes identifying countries as specified in ISO Standard 3166, 1981.

                  Subsequent components of the package name vary according to an organization's own internal naming conventions. Such conventions might specify that certain directory name components be division, department, project, machine, or login names.

                  And the examples that they give, make it pretty clear that you are meant to use the companies DNS name:




                  You will also see edu. and net. packages out in the wild as well, although they are less common.

                  这篇关于Java 包 com 和 org的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

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