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      1. 使用snakeYaml解析根有地图的YAML文档


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                • 本文介绍了使用snakeYaml解析根有地图的YAML文档的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想将 YAML 文档读取到自定义对象的映射(而不是映射,snakeYaml 默认会这样做).所以这个:

                  I want to read a YAML document to a map of custom objects (instead of maps, which snakeYaml does by default). So this:

                    typeID: 2
                    limit: 300
                    typeID: 8
                    limit: 100


                  Would be loaded to a map which looks like this:

                  Map<Integer, Item>


                  class Item {
                      private Integer typeId;
                      private Integer limit;

                  我找不到使用snakeYaml 的方法,也找不到更好的库来完成这项任务.

                  I could not find a way to do this with snakeYaml, and I couldn't find a better library for the task either.


                  The documentation only has examples with maps/collections nested inside other objects, so that you can do the following:

                      TypeDescription typeDescription = new TypeDescription(ClassContainingAMap.class);
                      typeDescription.putMapPropertyType("propertyNameOfNestedMap", Integer.class, Item.class);
                      Constructor constructor = new Constructor(typeDescription);
                      Yaml yaml = new Yaml(constructor);
                      /* creating an input stream (is) */
                      ClassContainingAMap obj = (ClassContainingAMap) yaml.load(is);

                  但是当 Map 格式位于文档的根目录时,我该如何定义它呢?

                  But how do I go about defining the Map format when it is at the root of the document?



                  You need to add a custom Constructor. However, in your case you don't want register an "item" or "item-list" tag.

                  实际上,您希望将 Duck Typing 应用于您的 Yaml.这不是超级高效,但有一种相对简单的方法可以做到这一点.

                  In effect, you want to apply Duck Typing to your Yaml. It's not super efficient, but there is a relatively easy way to do this.

                  class YamlConstructor extends Constructor {
                    protected Object constructObject(Node node) {
                      if (node.getTag() == Tag.MAP) {
                          LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map = (LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) super
                          // If the map has the typeId and limit attributes
                          // return a new Item object using the values from the map
                       // In all other cases, use the default constructObject.
                      return super.constructObject(node);


                  上一篇:从 Yaml 文件为 Request 和 Response 对象生成 Java 类 下一篇:您如何在 Java 中实际解析 YAML 中的值?



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