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              • 本文介绍了当父级在不同的包中时模拟受保护的父级方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



                I need to mock a protected method in the parent class of my class under test but the parent class is in a different package so my test class cannot access that method so I cannot mock it. There's gotta be a solution for this issue without refactoring

                我需要使用 Powermock 和 Mockito.这是 JAR

                I need to use Powermock and Mockito. Here's the JARs

                • mockito-all 1.10.8
                • powermock-core 1.6.1
                • powermock-module-junit4 1.6.1
                • powermock-api-mockito 1.6.1
                • junit 4.12


                This is legacy code so I cannot refactor, but here's the simplified code.


                package parent;
                public class Parent {
                    // Want to mock this protected parent method from different package
                    protected String foo() {
                        String someValue = null;
                        // Logic setting someValue
                        return someValue;


                package child;
                import parent.Parent;
                public class Child extends Parent {
                    String fooString = null;
                    public String boo() {
                        this.fooString = this.foo();
                        String booString = null;
                        // Logic setting booString
                        return booString;


                package child;
                import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
                import org.junit.Assert;
                import org.junit.Before;
                import org.junit.Test;
                import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
                import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
                import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
                import parent.Parent;
                @PrepareForTest({ Parent.class, Child.class })
                public class ChildTest {
                    // Class Under Test
                    Child cut;
                    public void setUp() throws Exception {
                        // Partial mock to mock methods in parent class
                        cut = spy(new Child());
                    public void testBoo() {
                        // TODO: Need to mock cut.foo() but can't figure out how.
                        // Following gives me this error: The method foo() from the type Parent is not visible
                        // Test
                        // Validations
                        Assert.assertEquals(cut.fooString, "mockValue");


                你可以使用 PowerMock 来模拟没有公共方法.

                You can use PowerMock to mocking no public method.

                public class ChildTest {
                    public void testBoo() throws Exception {
                        Child child = PowerMockito.spy(new Child());
                        PowerMockito.when(child, "foo").thenReturn("mockValue");
                        String boo = child.boo();
                        Assert.assertEquals("boo+mockValue", boo);


                上一篇:编写 JUnit 测试用例请求调度程序时出错 下一篇:如何使用 MockRestServiceServer 模拟 RestTemplate?



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