java.library.path 中没有 ocijdbc9

本文介绍了java.library.path 中没有 ocijdbc9的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



当我尝试运行 Java 应用程序时,我收到以下错误:

When I try to run Java application, I receive the following error:

线程main"java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError 中的异常:java.library.path 中没有 ocijdbc9

我的 PC 上没有文件 ocijdbc9.*,但我在 %ORACLE_HOME%in 中有 ocijdbc10.dll.

I don't have a file ocijdbc9.* on my PC, but I have ocijdbc10.dll in %ORACLE_HOME%in.

%ORACLE_HOME% 指定正确,所以我认为问题在于应用程序正在搜索错误的版本(9 而不是 10).

%ORACLE_HOME% is correctly specified, so I think the problem is that the application is searching for the wrong version (9 instead of 10).

Oracle 和 Java Builder 都是新安装的,所以问题可能出在项目偏好上?您对如何搜索指定错误版本的地方有什么想法吗?

Both Oracle and Java Builder are freshly installed, so the problem may be in project preferences? Do you have any ideas on how to search for the place where the wrong version is specified?


你的 java CLASSPATH 中缺少一个文件.

You're missing a file from your java CLASSPATH.

您需要将 OCI jar 添加到您的类路径中.

You need to add the OCI jar to your classpath.

对于我在 Windows 上安装的 oracle 10.0.2,它位于

For my oracle 10.0.2 install on windows it's located in


如果您的应用程序需要 ocijdbc9,那么您必须从某个地方下载它并将其添加到 CLASSPATH.不知道从哪里下载,试试oracle网站吧

If your application requires ocijdbc9 then you'll have to download it from somewhere and add it to the CLASSPATH. I don't know where to download it from, try the oracle site

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