在同一个类中实现 Java Iterator 和 Iterable?

本文介绍了在同一个类中实现 Java Iterator 和 Iterable?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试理解 Java IteratorIterable 接口

I am trying to understand Java Iterator and Iterable interfaces


class MyClass implements Iterable<String> {
    public String[] a = null;
    public MyClass(String[] arr) {
        a = arr;    

    public MyClassIterator iterator() {
        return new MyClassIterator(this);

    public class MyClassIterator implements Iterator<String> {
        private MyClass myclass = null;
        private int count = 0;
        public MyClassIterator(MyClass m) {
            myclass = m;    

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return count < myclass.a.length;
        public String next() {
            int t = count;
            return myclass.a[t];

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();



Myclass implements Iterable<Stirng>, Iterator<String> {


或者我应该把 MyClassIterator 放在 MyClass 之外

Or I should put MyClassIterator outside MyClass as

class MyClass implements Iterable<String> {
    public String[] a = null;
    public MyClass(String[] arr) {
        a = arr;    
    public MyClassIterator iterator() {
        return new MyClassIterator(this);

    public class MyClassIterator implements Iterator<String> {
        private MyClass myclass = null;
        private int count = 0;
        public MyClassIterator(MyClass m) {
            myclass = m;    

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return count < myclass.a.length;
        public String next() {
            int t = count;
            return myclass.a[t];

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();



你应该几乎永远同时实现 IterableIterator班级.他们做不同的事情.迭代器自然是有状态的 - 当您使用它进行迭代时,它必须更新其对世界的看法.然而,一个可迭代对象只需要能够创建新的迭代器.特别是,您可以让多个迭代器同时处理同一个原始可迭代对象.

You should almost never implement both Iterable and Iterator in the same class. They do different things. An iterator is naturally stateful - as you iterate using it, it has to update its view of the world. An iterable, however, only needs to be able to create new iterators. In particular, you could have several iterators working over the same original iterable at the same time.

您当前的方法非常好 - 我会更改实施的某些方面,但在职责分离方面很好.

Your current approach is pretty much okay - there are aspects of the implementation I'd change, but it's fine in terms of the separation of responsibilities.

这篇关于在同一个类中实现 Java Iterator 和 Iterable?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

上一篇:Java:如何获取迭代器&lt;字符&gt;从字符串 下一篇:如何在流式传输时删除 HashMap 的元素(lambda)

