



Similar to how you can define an integer constant in hexadecimal or octal, can I do it in binary?


I admit this is a really easy (and stupid) question. My google searches are coming up empty.


因此,随着 Java SE 7 的发布,二进制表示法成为开箱即用的标准.如果你对二进制有很好的理解,语法就非常简单明了:

So, with the release of Java SE 7, binary notation comes standard out of the box. The syntax is quite straight forward and obvious if you have a decent understanding of binary:

byte fourTimesThree = 0b1100;
byte data = 0b0000110011;
short number = 0b111111111111111; 
int overflow = 0b10101010101010101010101010101011;
long bow = 0b101010101010101010101010101010111L;


And specifically on the point of declaring class level variables as binaries, there's absolutely no problem initializing a static variable using binary notation either:

public static final int thingy = 0b0101;


Just be careful not to overflow the numbers with too much data, or else you'll get a compiler error:

byte data = 0b1100110011; // Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte

现在,如果您真的想变得花哨,您可以将 Java 7 中另一个被称为数字文字的简洁新功能与下划线结合起来.看看这些带有文字下划线的二进制符号的奇特示例:

Now, if you really want to get fancy, you can combine that other neat new feature in Java 7 known as numeric literals with underscores. Take a look at these fancy examples of binary notation with literal underscores:

int overflow = 0b1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1011;
long bow = 0b1__01010101__01010101__01010101__01010111L;


Now isn't that nice and clean, not to mention highly readable?

我从我在 TheServerSide 上写的一篇关于该主题的小文章中提取了这些代码片段.请随时查看以获取更多详细信息:

I pulled these code snippets from a little article I wrote about the topic over at TheServerSide. Feel free to check it out for more details:

Java 7 和二进制表示法:掌握 OCP Java 程序员 (OCPJP) 考试


上一篇:如何在 Java 中将二进制字符串转换为以 10 为底的 下一篇:将 Double 转换为二进制表示?

