如何让 @WebMvcTest 与 OAuth 一起使用?

本文介绍了如何让 @WebMvcTest 与 OAuth 一起使用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我很难让我的控制器单元测试正常工作,因为 IMO,Spring doc 如果使用 OAuth 是不够的.在我的例子中,它是带有 JWT 的 Oauth2.

I just had hard time to get my controllers unit tests working because, IMO, what is in Spring doc is not enough if using OAuth. In my case, it's Oauth2 with JWT.

我尝试使用 @WithMockUser@WithUserDetails 甚至用 @WithSecurityContext 和自定义的 UserSecurityContextFactory<定义我自己的注解/code> 但在评估安全表达式时总是在 UserSecurityContext 中获得匿名用户,无论我在工厂中将测试上下文设置为什么......

I tried to use @WithMockUser, @WithUserDetails and even define my own annotation with @WithSecurityContext and a custom UserSecurityContextFactory but always got anonymous user in the UserSecurityContext when security expression where evaluated, whatever I set the test context to in my factory...

我提出了我刚刚提出的解决方案,但由于我不确定模拟 TokenService 是最有效/最干净的方法,请随时提供更好的解决方案.

I propose the solution I came to just under, but as I'm not sure mocking the TokenService is the most efficient / clean way to go, please feel free to provide better.


[2019 年 5 月编辑]
以下解决方案特定于 spring-security-oauth2,现已弃用.
我写了 一个 lib 来实现与 Spring5 相同的目标,其中一些是对 spring-安全测试 5.2.他们选择仅集成 JWT 流 API,因此如果您需要测试服务(需要使用注释)或使用不透明令牌自省,您可能需要稍微浏览一下我的 repo...

The Solution below is specific to spring-security-oauth2 which is now deprecated.
I wrote a lib to achieve the same goal with Spring5, some of which is contributed to spring-security-test 5.2. They chose to integrate the JWT flow API only, so if you need to test a service (requires the use of an annotation) or use opaque tokens introspection, you might need to browse my repo a bit...

[2019 年 7 月编辑]
我现在发布我的spring-addons".Spring 5 的库到 maven-central,其中大大提高可用性.
源代码和自述文件仍在 github 上.

I now publish my "spring-addons" libs for Spring 5 to maven-central, which greatly improve usability.
Source and READMEs still on github.

[spring-security-oauth2 的解决方案]

[solution for spring-security-oauth2]
The solution I iterated to is combining a dummy "Authorization" header in requests with a mocked token service intercepting it (after quite a few tries if you look at edits stack).

我在 Github 上的 lib 你可以找到示例 OAuth2 控制器测试 那里.

I provide with complete helpers source in a lib on Github and you can find sample OAuth2 controller test there.

简而言之:没有授权标头->ResourceServerTokenServices 未触发 ->SecurityContext 在 OAuth 堆栈中将是匿名的(无论您尝试使用 @WithMockUser 或类似方法将其设置为什么).

To make it short: no Authorization header -> ResourceServerTokenServices is not triggered -> SecurityContext will be anonymous in OAuth stack (whatever you try to set it to with @WithMockUser or alike).


  • 您正在编写集成测试,提供有效令牌并让真正的令牌服务完成工作并提供包含在此令牌中的身份验证
  • 您正在编写单元测试、我的案例和模拟令牌服务,以便它返回模拟身份验证

一种类似的方法,我在拉了几天头发并从头开始构建它后了解到,已经描述了这里.我只是在 @WebMvcTests 的模拟 Oauth2Authentication 配置和工具中走得更远.

A similar approach, I understood after pulling my hair for a few days and building this from ground up, has already been described here. I just went further in mocked Oauth2Authentication configuration and tooling for @WebMvcTests.



As this post is long, exposing a solution involving quite some code, lets get started with the result so that you can decide if it's worth reading ;)

@WebMvcTest(MyController.class) // Controller to unit-test
@Import(WebSecurityConfig.class) // your class extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public class MyControllerTest extends OAuth2ControllerTest {

    public void testWithUnauthenticatedClient() throws Exception {
        api.post(payload, "/endpoint")

    public void testWithDefaultClient() throws Exception {

    public void testWithDefaultClientOnBehalfDefaultUser() throws Exception {
            MockHttpServletRequestBuilder req = api.postRequestBuilder(null, "/uaa/refresh")
                .header("refresh_token", JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN);


        client = @WithMockOAuth2Client(
                clientId = "custom-client",
                scope = {"custom-scope", "other-scope"},
                authorities = {"custom-authority", "ROLE_CUSTOM_CLIENT"}),
        user = @WithMockUser(
                username = "custom-username",
                authorities = {"custom-user-authority"}))
    public void testWithCustomClientOnBehalfCustomUser() throws Exception {
        api.get(MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML, "/endpoint")


附:apiMockMvcHelper 的一个实例,它是我自己的 MockMvc 包装器,在本文末尾提供.

P.S. api is an instance of MockMvcHelper, a wrapper of my own for MockMvc, provided at the end of this post.

@WithMockOAuth2Client 模拟仅客户端身份验证(不涉及最终用户)

@WithMockOAuth2Client to simulate client only authentication (no end-user involved)

@WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockOAuth2Client.WithMockOAuth2ClientSecurityContextFactory.class)
public @interface WithMockOAuth2Client {

    String clientId() default "web-client";

    String[] scope() default {"openid"};

    String[] authorities() default {};

    boolean approved() default true;

    class WithMockOAuth2ClientSecurityContextFactory implements WithSecurityContextFactory<WithMockOAuth2Client> {

        public static OAuth2Request getOAuth2Request(final WithMockOAuth2Client annotation) {
            final Set<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = Stream.of(annotation.authorities())
                    .map(auth -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(auth))

            final Set<String> scope = Stream.of(annotation.scope())

            return new OAuth2Request(

        public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(final WithMockOAuth2Client annotation) {
            final SecurityContext ctx = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
            ctx.setAuthentication(new OAuth2Authentication(getOAuth2Request(annotation), null));
            return ctx;


@WithMockOAuth2User 代表最终用户模拟客户端身份验证

@WithMockOAuth2User to simulate client authenticating on behalf of an end-user

@WithSecurityContext(factory = WithMockOAuth2User.WithMockOAuth2UserSecurityContextFactory.class)
public @interface WithMockOAuth2User {

    WithMockOAuth2Client client() default @WithMockOAuth2Client();

    WithMockUser user() default @WithMockUser();

    class WithMockOAuth2UserSecurityContextFactory implements WithSecurityContextFactory<WithMockOAuth2User> {

         * Sadly, #WithMockUserSecurityContextFactory is not public,
         * so re-implement mock user authentication creation
         * @param user
         * @return an Authentication with provided user details
        public static UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken getUserAuthentication(final WithMockUser user) {
            final String principal = user.username().isEmpty() ? user.value() : user.username();

            final Stream<String> grants = user.authorities().length == 0 ?
                    Stream.of(user.roles()).map(r -> "ROLE_" + r) :

            final Set<? extends GrantedAuthority> userAuthorities = grants
                    .map(auth -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(auth))

            return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
                    new User(principal, user.password(), userAuthorities),
                    principal + ":" + user.password(),

        public SecurityContext createSecurityContext(final WithMockOAuth2User annotation) {
            final SecurityContext ctx = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext();
            ctx.setAuthentication(new OAuth2Authentication(
            return ctx;

OAuth2MockMvcHelper 帮助构建带有预期授权标头的测试请求

OAuth2MockMvcHelper helps build test requests with expected Authorization header

public class OAuth2MockMvcHelper extends MockMvcHelper {
    public static final String VALID_TEST_TOKEN_VALUE = "test.fake.jwt";

    public OAuth2MockMvcHelper(
            final MockMvc mockMvc,
            final ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters,
            final MediaType defaultMediaType) {
        super(mockMvc, messageConverters, defaultMediaType);

     * Adds OAuth2 support: adds an Authorisation header to all request builders
     * if there is an OAuth2Authentication in test security context.
     * /! Make sure your token services recognize this dummy "VALID_TEST_TOKEN_VALUE" token as valid during your tests /!
     * @param contentType should be not-null when issuing request with body (POST, PUT, PATCH), null otherwise
     * @param accept      should be not-null when issuing response with body (GET, POST, OPTION), null otherwise
     * @param method
     * @param urlTemplate
     * @param uriVars
     * @return a request builder with minimal info you can tweak further (add headers, cookies, etc.)
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder(
            Optional<MediaType> contentType,
            Optional<MediaType> accept,
            HttpMethod method,
            String urlTemplate,
            Object... uriVars) {
        final MockHttpServletRequestBuilder builder = super.requestBuilder(contentType, accept, method, urlTemplate, uriVars);
        if (SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() instanceof OAuth2Authentication) {
            builder.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + VALID_TEST_TOKEN_VALUE);
        return builder;

OAuth2ControllerTest 控制器单元测试的父级

OAuth2ControllerTest a parent for controllers unit-tests

public class OAuth2ControllerTest {

    private ResourceServerTokenServices tokenService;

    protected OAuth2MockMvcHelper api;

    protected SerializationHelper conv;

    public void setUpTokenService() {
                .thenAnswer(invocation -> SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication());

class OAuth2MockMvcConfig {

    public SerializationHelper serializationHelper(ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters) {
        return new SerializationHelper(messageConverters);

    public OAuth2MockMvcHelper mockMvcHelper(
            MockMvc mockMvc,
            ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters,
            @Value("${controllers.default-media-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8}") MediaType defaultMediaType) {
        return new OAuth2MockMvcHelper(mockMvc, messageConverters, defaultMediaType);


上面提到但与 OAuth2 测试没有直接关系的工具

 * Wraps MockMvc to further ease interaction with tested API:
 * provides with:<ul>
 * <li>many request shortcuts for simple cases (see get, post, put, patch, delete methods)</li>
 * <li>perfom method along with request builder initialisation shortcuts (see getRequestBuilder, etc.) when more control is required (additional headers, ...)</li>
 * </ul>
public class MockMvcHelper {

    private final MockMvc mockMvc;

    private final MediaType defaultMediaType;

    protected final SerializationHelper conv;

    public MockMvcHelper(MockMvc mockMvc, ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters, MediaType defaultMediaType) {
        this.mockMvc = mockMvc;
        this.conv = new SerializationHelper(messageConverters);
        this.defaultMediaType = defaultMediaType;

     * Generic request builder which adds relevant "Accept" and "Content-Type" headers
     * @param contentType should be not-null when issuing request with body (POST, PUT, PATCH), null otherwise
     * @param accept      should be not-null when issuing response with body (GET, POST, OPTION), null otherwise
     * @param method
     * @param urlTemplate
     * @param uriVars
     * @return a request builder with minimal info you can tweak further: add headers, cookies, etc.
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder(
            Optional<MediaType> contentType,
            Optional<MediaType> accept,
            HttpMethod method,
            String urlTemplate,
            Object... uriVars) {
        final MockHttpServletRequestBuilder builder = request(method, urlTemplate, uriVars);
        return builder;

    public ResultActions perform(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(request);

    /* GET */
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder getRequestBuilder(MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return requestBuilder(Optional.empty(), Optional.of(accept), HttpMethod.GET, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder getRequestBuilder(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return getRequestBuilder(defaultMediaType, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public ResultActions get(MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(getRequestBuilder(accept, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    public ResultActions get(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(getRequestBuilder(urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* POST */
    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder postRequestBuilder(final T payload, MediaType contentType, MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return feed(
                requestBuilder(Optional.of(contentType), Optional.of(accept), HttpMethod.POST, urlTemplate, uriVars),

    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder postRequestBuilder(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return postRequestBuilder(payload, defaultMediaType, defaultMediaType, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public <T> ResultActions post(final T payload, MediaType contentType, MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(postRequestBuilder(payload, contentType, accept, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    public <T> ResultActions post(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(postRequestBuilder(payload, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* PUT */
    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder putRequestBuilder(final T payload, MediaType contentType, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return feed(
                requestBuilder(Optional.of(contentType), Optional.empty(), HttpMethod.PUT, urlTemplate, uriVars),

    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder putRequestBuilder(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return putRequestBuilder(payload, defaultMediaType, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public <T> ResultActions put(final T payload, MediaType contentType, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(putRequestBuilder(payload, contentType, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    public <T> ResultActions put(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(putRequestBuilder(payload, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* PATCH */
    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder patchRequestBuilder(final T payload, MediaType contentType, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return feed(
                requestBuilder(Optional.of(contentType), Optional.empty(), HttpMethod.PATCH, urlTemplate, uriVars),

    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder patchRequestBuilder(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return patchRequestBuilder(payload, defaultMediaType, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public <T> ResultActions patch(final T payload, MediaType contentType, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(patchRequestBuilder(payload, contentType, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    public <T> ResultActions patch(final T payload, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(patchRequestBuilder(payload, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* DELETE */
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder deleteRequestBuilder(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return requestBuilder(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), HttpMethod.DELETE, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public ResultActions delete(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(deleteRequestBuilder(urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* HEAD */
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder headRequestBuilder(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return requestBuilder(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), HttpMethod.HEAD, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public ResultActions head(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(headRequestBuilder(urlTemplate, uriVars));

    /* OPTION */
    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder optionRequestBuilder(MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return requestBuilder(Optional.empty(), Optional.of(accept), HttpMethod.OPTIONS, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public MockHttpServletRequestBuilder optionRequestBuilder(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) {
        return requestBuilder(Optional.empty(), Optional.of(defaultMediaType), HttpMethod.OPTIONS, urlTemplate, uriVars);

    public ResultActions option(MediaType accept, String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(optionRequestBuilder(accept, urlTemplate, uriVars));

    public ResultActions option(String urlTemplate, Object... uriVars) throws Exception {
        return mockMvc.perform(optionRequestBuilder(urlTemplate, uriVars));

     * Adds serialized payload to request content
     * @param request
     * @param payload
     * @param mediaType
     * @param <T>
     * @return the request with provided payload as content
     * @throws Exception if things go wrong (no registered serializer for payload type and asked MediaType, serialization failure, ...)
    public <T> MockHttpServletRequestBuilder feed(
            MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request,
            final T payload,
            final MediaType mediaType) throws Exception {
        if (payload == null) {
            return request;

        final SerializationHelper.ByteArrayHttpOutputMessage msg = conv.outputMessage(payload, mediaType);
        return request

 * Serialize objects to given media type using registered message converters
public class SerializationHelper {

    private final ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;

    public SerializationHelper(ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters) {
        this.messageConverters = messageConverters;

    public <T> ByteArrayHttpOutputMessage outputMessage(final T payload, final MediaType mediaType) throws Exception {
        if (payload == null) {
            return null;

        List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> relevantConverters = messageConverters.getObject().getConverters().stream()
                .filter(converter -> converter.canWrite(payload.getClass(), mediaType))

        final ByteArrayHttpOutputMessage converted = new ByteArrayHttpOutputMessage();
        boolean isConverted = false;
        for (HttpMessageConverter<?> converter : relevantConverters) {
            try {
                ((HttpMessageConverter<T>) converter).write(payload, mediaType, converted);
                isConverted = true; //won't be reached if a conversion error occurs
                break; //stop iterating over converters after first successful conversion
            } catch (IOException e) {
                //swallow exception so that next converter is tried

        if (!isConverted) {
            throw new Exception("Could not convert " + payload.getClass() + " to " + mediaType.toString());

        return converted;

     * Provides a String representation of provided payload
     * @param payload
     * @param mediaType
     * @param <T>
     * @return
     * @throws Exception if things go wrong (no registered serializer for payload type and asked MediaType, serialization failure, ...)
    public <T> String asString(T payload, MediaType mediaType) throws Exception {
        return payload == null ?
                null :
                outputMessage(payload, mediaType).out.toString();

    public <T> String asJsonString(T payload) throws Exception {
        return asString(payload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8);

    public static final class ByteArrayHttpOutputMessage implements HttpOutputMessage {
        public final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        public final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

        public OutputStream getBody() {
            return out;

        public HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
            return headers;

这篇关于如何让 @WebMvcTest 与 OAuth 一起使用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!