试图在 Pig 上完成这项工作.(寻找相当于 MySQL 的 group_concat())
Trying to get this done on Pig. (Looking for the group_concat() equivalent of MySQL)
例如,在我的表中,我有这个:(3fields- userid, clickcount,pagenumber)
In my table, for example, I have this: (3fields- userid, clickcount,pagenumber)
155 | 2 | 12
155 | 3 | 133
155 | 1 | 144
156 | 6 | 1
156 | 7 | 5
155| 2,3,1 | 12,133,144
156| 6,7 | 1,5
我怎样才能在 PIG 上实现这一点?
How can I achieve this on PIG?
grouped = GROUP table BY userid;
X = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group as userid,
table.clickcount as clicksbag,
table.pagenumber as pagenumberbag;
现在 X
现在您需要使用 内置 UDF BagToTuple:
output = FOREACH X GENERATE userid,
BagToTuple(clickbag) as clickcounts,
BagToTuple(pagenumberbag) as pagenumbers;
should now contain what you want. You can merge the output step into the merge step as well:
output = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group as userid,
BagToTuple(table.clickcount) as clickcounts,
BagToTuple(table.pagenumber) as pagenumbers;