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      1. 如何在 zend db 上构建嵌套选择

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                1. 本文介绍了如何在 zend db 上构建嵌套选择的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




                  SELECT * FROM(
                      SELECT `b`.*,`owner`.firstname,`owner`.lastname,`owner`.email,
                          SELECT COUNT(`ps`.profile_id)   FROM `profile` AS `ps`
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xbp` ON `xbp`.profile_id = `ps`.profile_id
                          WHERE `xbp`.brand_id = b.brand_id AND ps.role = 'salesrep' AND `xbp`.store_id IS NULL
                      ) AS `salesrepTotal`,
                          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`ms`.firstname)   FROM `profile` AS `ps`
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xbp` ON `xbp`.profile_id = `ps`.profile_id
                          LEFT JOIN `member` AS `ms`ON `ms`.member_id = `ps`.member_id
                          WHERE `xbp`.brand_id = `b`.brand_id AND ps.role = 'salesrep' AND `xbp`.store_id IS NULL
                      ) AS `salesrep`,
                          SELECT COUNT(`s`.store_id) FROM `store` AS `s`
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xbs` ON `xbs`.store_id = `s`.store_id
                          WHERE `xbs`.brand_id = `b`.brand_id AND `xbs`.brand_id IS NOT NULL
                      ) AS `storeTotal`,
                          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`s`.name) FROM `store` AS `s`
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xbs` ON `xbs`.store_id = `s`.store_id
                          WHERE `xbs`.brand_id = `b`.brand_id AND `xbs`.brand_id IS NOT NULL
                      ) AS `store`
                      FROM `brand` AS `b`
                      LEFT JOIN
                          SELECT `m`.firstname,`m`.lastname,`m`.email,`xspb`.brand_id FROM `member` AS `m`
                          LEFT JOIN `profile` as `p` ON `p`.member_id = `m`.member_id AND `p`.role = 'designer' AND `p`.isPrimary = 1
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xspb` ON `xspb`.profile_id = `p`.profile_id AND `xspb`.store_id IS NULL
                      ) AS `owner` ON `owner`.brand_id =`b`.brand_id
                      GROUP BY `b`.brand_id
                  ) AS `final`

                  如何将其转换为 Zend_Db_Select 对象?

                  how can i convert this in to Zend_Db_Select object?


                  SELECT `b`.*,`owner`.firstname,`owner`.lastname,`owner`.email,
                          SELECT COUNT(`ps`.profile_id)   FROM `profile` AS `ps`
                          LEFT JOIN `xref_store_profile_brand` AS `xbp` ON `xbp`.profile_id = `ps`.profile_id
                          WHERE `xbp`.brand_id = b.brand_id AND ps.role = 'salesrep' AND `xbp`.store_id IS NULL
                      ) AS `salesrepTotal`,


                  您需要使用 Zend_Db_Expr 对象在您的查询和 选择 AS 的数组结构.

                  You need to use Zend_Db_Expr objects in your query and array structures for select AS.


                  below is the solution you are looking for:

                  $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
                  //  inner query
                  $sqlSalesRepTotal = $db->select()
                          ->from(array('ps' => 'profile'))
                          ->joinLeft(array('xbp' => 'xref_store_profile_brand'), 'xbp.profile_id = ps.profile_id')
                          ->where('xbp.brand_id = b.brand_id')
                          ->where('ps.role = ?', 'salesrep')
                          ->where('xbp.store_id IS NULL');
                  //  main query
                  $sql = $db->select()
                          ->from(array('b' => 'brand'), array(
                              //  NOTE: have to add parentesis around the expression
                              'salesrepTotal' => new Zend_Db_Expr("($sqlSalesRepTotal)")
                  //  debug

                  这篇关于如何在 zend db 上构建嵌套选择的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:如何在 *nix 上将 Zend Framework 2 与 MS SQL Server 一起 下一篇:ODP.Net 驱动程序在 .NET Core 5.0 上抛出异常



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