我有 2 个表:DimAccounts 和 FactBudget.
I have 2 tables: DimAccounts and FactBudget.
DimAccounts 示例:
DimAccounts example:
AccountKey AccountCode AccountName AccountGroup AccountType
1.6 1 6 1 NN 6 S
1.6 10 6 10 MMM 6 S
1.6 101 6 101 TTT 6 S
1.6 1010 6 1010 IIII 6 B
1.6 1011 6 1011 OOOO 6 B
1.6 1012 6 1012 KKK 6 B
FactBudget 示例:
FactBudget example:
TimeKey AccountKey Debit Credit
20110719 1.6 1010 20.00 5.00
20110719 1.6 1011 15.00 0.00
20110719 1.6 1000 5.00 0.00
20110719 1.6 1012 10.00 5.00
20110719 1.6 1112 10.00 0.00
事实上,Budget 有很多账户只有类型 B.我需要获取账户类型 S(总和)的借方和贷方金额.
In FactBudget are many Accounts just with type B. I need to get Debit and Credit Sums for Account type S (Sum).
Solution example for example data:
TimeKey AccountKey Debit Credit
20110719 1.6 1 60.00 10.00
20110719 1.6 10 50.00 10.00
20110719 1.6 101 45.00 10.00
要计算总账户 1.6 101(带空格的 7 个符号)的借方和贷方,我们需要对所有账户进行子串,实际预算最多为 7 个符号(1.6 1012 -> 1.6 101, 1.6 1112 -> 1.6 111, 1.6 1011->1.6 101) 那么它们在哪里相等(1.6 101 = 1.6 101) 按时间键和借方和贷方总和进行分组.
To calculate debit and credit for sum account 1.6 101 (7 symbols with whitespace) we need to substring all acounts in factbudget up to 7 symbols (1.6 1012 -> 1.6 101, 1.6 1112 -> 1.6 111, 1.6 1011->1.6 101) and then where are they equal (1.6 101 = 1.6 101) to group by timekey and sum debit and credit.
要计算总账户 1.6 1(带空格的 5 个符号)的借方和贷方,我们需要对所有账户进行子串,实际预算最多为 5 个符号(1.6 1012 -> 1.6 1, 1.6 1112 -> 1.6 1, 1.6 1011->1.6 1) 那么它们在哪里相等(1.6 1 = 1.6 1) 按时间键分组,借记和贷记总和:) 等等.
To calculate debit and credit for sum account 1.6 1 (5 symbols with whitespace) we need to substring all acounts in factbudget up to 5 symbols (1.6 1012 -> 1.6 1, 1.6 1112 -> 1.6 1, 1.6 1011->1.6 1) and then where are they equal (1.6 1 = 1.6 1) to group by timekey and sum debit and credit:) and so on.
那么,如何通过 TimeKey 和 AccountKey 获取 S Accounts Debit 和 Cred Sum?
So, How to get S Accounts Debit and Cred Sum by TimeKey and AccountKey?
基本上,你可以采用 this answer 并更改其中一个连接条件:
Basically, you could take this answer and just change one of the join conditions:
SUM(f.Debit) AS Debit,
SUM(f.Credit) AS Credit
FROM DimAccounts s
INNER JOIN DimAccounts b ON b.AccountCode LIKE s.AccountCode + '%'
/* alternatively: ON s.AccountCode = LEFT(b.AccountCode, LEN(s.AccountCode)) */
INNER JOIN FactBudget f ON f.AccountKey = b.AccountKey
WHERE s.AccountType = 'S'
AND b.AccountType = 'B'