How can I write the following sp without the cursor?. More over its not giving me the desired output. I didn't write this, I am trying to interpret what is wrong with this.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AccreditationExpiryCheck]
declare @taskTypeId int = 19 -- Accreditations, automated
declare @firstActionTypeId int = 23 -- Accreditation expiring
declare @nextActionTypeId int = 3 -- Call company
declare @companyId int
declare @accreditationId int
declare @comment nvarchar(max) = N' accreditation for this company has expired.'
-- find all companies and accreditations expiring
declare companies cursor local forward_only read_only for
select c.Company_Id, a.Accred_ID
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
inner join ACCREDITATION a on c.Company_ID = a.Company_ID
-- Accreditation expired yesterday
cast(a.Accred_ExpDate as DATE) = cast(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
and m.IsMember_Ind = 1
and (c.HQ_ID IS NULL OR c.HQ_ID = c.Company_ID) -- FB4640: this isn't a 'team' co (with an HQ)
-- and there is no action of this type created within 1 day
-- of the expiry date
and not exists (
select * from TaskAction ta where
ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and
ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and
ta.TaskCreatedOn BETWEEN a.Accred_ExpDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, a.Accred_ExpDate) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 )
open companies
fetch next from companies into @companyId, @accreditationId
declare @title nvarchar(max) =
(select AccredType_Name from ACCREDITATION_TYPE at
inner join ACCREDITATION a on at.AccredType_ID = a.AccredType_ID
where a.Accred_ID = @accreditationId)
declare @comment2 nvarchar(max) = isnull(@title, '') + ' accreditation for this company has expired.'
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
exec CreateSystemTask
fetch next from companies into @companyId,@accreditationId
close companies
deallocate companies
来自上述 sp 的以下 select 语句为我提供了正确的数据集,但循环遍历的光标为我提供了不同的输出.
The following select statement from the above sp gives me the correct dataset, but the cursor which loops through gives me a different output.
select c.Company_Id, a.Accred_ID
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
inner join ACCREDITATION a on c.Company_ID = a.Company_ID
-- Accreditation expired yesterday
cast(a.Accred_ExpDate as DATE) = cast(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
and m.IsMember_Ind = 1
and (c.HQ_ID IS NULL OR c.HQ_ID = c.Company_ID) -- FB4640: this isn't a 'team' co (with an HQ)
-- and there is no action of this type created within 1 day
-- of the expiry date
and not exists (
select * from TaskAction ta where
ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and
ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and
ta.TaskCreatedOn BETWEEN a.Accred_ExpDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, a.Accred_ExpDate) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 )
您可以使用 while 循环摆脱光标,如下图所示.如果您查询的数据包含一个唯一标识符,您可以取消临时表,但在您的示例中,我使用了一个临时表并包含了一个 recordId.
You can get rid of the cursor with a while loop as illustrated below. If the data you are querying included a unique identifier you could do away with the temp table but for your example I used a temp table and included a recordId.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AccreditationExpiryCheck]
declare @taskTypeId int = 19 -- Accreditations, automated
declare @firstActionTypeId int = 23 -- Accreditation expiring
declare @nextActionTypeId int = 3 -- Call company
declare @companyId int
declare @accreditationId int
declare @comment nvarchar(max) = N' accreditation for this company has expired.'
-- find all companies and accreditations expiring
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.Company_Id, a.Accred_ID) as [RecordId], c.Company_Id as [Company_Id], a.Accred_ID as [Accred_ID]
from COMPANY c
inner join MEMBERSHIP m on c.Company_ID = m.Company_ID
inner join ACCREDITATION a on c.Company_ID = a.Company_ID
-- Accreditation expired yesterday
cast(a.Accred_ExpDate as DATE) = cast(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) as DATE)
and m.IsMember_Ind = 1
and (c.HQ_ID IS NULL OR c.HQ_ID = c.Company_ID) -- FB4640: this isn't a 'team' co (with an HQ)
-- and there is no action of this type created within 1 day
-- of the expiry date
and not exists (
select * from TaskAction ta where
ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and
ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and
ta.TaskCreatedOn BETWEEN a.Accred_ExpDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, a.Accred_ExpDate) and
ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and
ta.EntityTypeId = 1 )
declare @recordId int = 0;
declare @title nvarchar(max);
declare @comment2 nvarchar(max);
select top 1 @recordId = [RecordId]
,@companyId = [CompanyId]
,@accreditationId = [Accred_ID]
where [RecordId] > @recordId
if @@ROWCOUNT = 0 break;
set @title =
(select AccredType_Name from ACCREDITATION_TYPE at
inner join ACCREDITATION a on at.AccredType_ID = a.AccredType_ID
where a.Accred_ID = @accreditationId)
set @comment2 = isnull(@title, '') + ' accreditation for this company has expired.'
exec CreateSystemTask
drop table #COMPANIES