C# - Parsing XSD schema - get all elements to combobox(C# - 解析 XSD 架构 - 将所有元素获取到组合框)
Automate xsd.exe during build(在构建期间自动化 xsd.exe)
Is there a class to generate a sample XML document from XSD schema in .NET(是否有一个类可以从 .NET 中的 XSD 模式
Is there a way to export an XSD schema from a DataContract(有没有办法从 DataContract 导出 XSD 架构)
xsd.exe generated c# with multiple elements in an array(xsd.exe 生成的 c# 具有数组中的多个元素)
Create XSD from XML in Code(在代码中从 XML 创建 XSD)
How to parse an XSD to get the information from lt;xsd:simpleTypegt; elements using C#?(如何解析 XSD 以从 lt;xsd:si
Trouble with XML Deserialization into XSD generated classes(将 XML 反序列化为 XSD 生成的类的问题)
app.config quot;Could not find schema informationquot; after converting to Visual Studio 2010 / .Net 4.0(app.config “找不
Creating XML schema and auto-generate the serializable class out of it using Visual Studio 2010(使用 Visual Studio 2010
Using .NET to validate XML against a schema(使用 .NET 针对架构验证 XML)
Using XSDs with includes(将 XSD 与包含一起使用)