core Localization always returns english clulture( core Localization 总是返回英语文化)
localize VSTO addin according to the language of the office product(根据办公产品的语言本地化 VSTO 插件)
Function for getting localized path?(获取本地化路径的功能?)
Trying to set the decimal separator for the current language, getting quot;Instance is read Onlyquot;(尝试为当前语言
Javascript Date Localization(Javascript 日期本地化)
How can I change the CurrentCulture of the entire process (not just current thread) in .Net?(如何在 .Net 中更改整个
How do I change localization in C# on Windows Phone?(如何在 Windows Phone 上更改 C# 中的本地化?)
How does the App_LocalResources work with MVC?(App_LocalResources 如何与 MVC 一起工作?)
Displaying the time in the local time zone in WPF/XAML(在 WPF/XAML 中显示本地时区的时间)
.resx vs database vs custom solution for providing Localization/Globalization(.resx vs 数据库 vs 提供本地化/全球化
How do you localize a database driven website(如何本地化数据库驱动的网站)
Global resource vs. Local resource in ASP.NET(ASP.NET 中的全局资源与本地资源)