Converting Unicode to Windows-1252 for vCards(将 Unicode 转换为用于 vCard 的 Windows-1252)
Why Char.IsDigit returns true for chars which can#39;t be parsed to int?(为什么 Char.IsDigit 对于无法解析为 int
How to get a char from an ASCII Character Code in C#(如何从 C# 中的 ASCII 字符代码中获取字符)
Getting an UTF-8 response with httpclient in Windows Store apps(在 Windows 应用商店应用程序中使用 httpclient 获
Publish one web project from solution with msbuild(使用 msbuild 从解决方案发布一个 Web 项目)
#39;dotnet restore#39; vs. #39;nuget restore#39; with TeamCity(使用 TeamCity 的“dotnet restore与“nuget restore)
Could not load file or assembly #39;Microsoft.Build.Framework#39;(VS 2017)(无法加载文件或程序集“Microsoft.Bui
Project builds fine with Visual Studio but fails from the command line(项目使用 Visual Studio 构建良好,但从命令
Why does modifying project output directories cause: IOException was unhandled quot;Cannot locate resource #39;app.xaml#3
How to install MSBuild on OS X and Linux?(如何在 OS X 和 Linux 上安装 MSBuild?)
nunit tests throwing exception only when run as part of tfs msbuild process(nunit 仅在作为 tfs msbuild 进程的一部分
Read AssemblyFileVersion from AssemblyInfo post-compile(从 AssemblyInfo 后编译读取 AssemblyFileVersion)