有人可以建议如何为 Web 窗体日历控件实现自定义验证器吗?显然,RequiredValidator 和 CustomValidator 都不是开箱即用的 Calendar 控件.
Can someone suggest how to implement a custom validator for a Web Forms Calendar control? Apparently, neither RequiredValidator nor CustomValidator work out of the box with the Calendar control.
Microsoft 提供的一种解决方案是扩展日历:
One solution offered by Microsoft is to extend the Calendar:
如何使用 Visual C# 扩展 Web 表单控件以使用验证控件
Is there not a simpler solution?
I finally got it to work this way:
<asp:Calendar ID="startCalendar" CssClass="startDate"
OnSelectionChanged="Selection_Changed" runat="server"></asp:Calendar>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="dateCustVal" OnServerValidate="DateCustVal_Validate"
protected void DateCustVal_Validate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
if (startCalendar.SelectedDate == null
|| startCalendar.SelectedDate == new DateTime(0001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;