当我尝试调用包含 SELECT 语句的存储过程时出现以下错误:
I am getting the following error when I try to call a stored procedure that contains a SELECT Statement:
public void MyAddUpdateMethod()
using (TransactionScope Scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
//do my first add update statement
//do my call to the select statement sp
bool DoesRecordExist = this.SelectStatementCall(id)
public bool SelectStatementCall(System.Guid id)
using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring)) //breaks on this line
//create parameters
Is the problem with me creating another connection to the same database within the transaction?
经过一些研究,我似乎无法使用 TransactionScope 块打开到同一个数据库的两个连接.我需要修改我的代码看起来像这样:
After doing some research, it seems I cannot have two connections opened to the same database with the TransactionScope block. I needed to modify my code to look like this:
public void MyAddUpdateMethod()
using (TransactionScope Scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
//do my first add update statement
//removed the method call from the first sql server using statement
bool DoesRecordExist = this.SelectStatementCall(id)
public bool SelectStatementCall(System.Guid id)
using(SQLServer Sql = new SQLServer(this.m_connstring))
//create parameters