Portable branch prediction hints(便携式分支预测提示)
How to speed up floating-point to integer number conversion?(如何加速浮点到整数的转换?)
What optimization does move semantics provide if we already have RVO?(如果我们已经有了 RVO,移动语义会提供什
Optimizing member variable order in C++(优化C++中的成员变量顺序)
How to speed up this histogram of LUT lookups?(如何加速这个 LUT 查找的直方图?)
Fastest way to produce a mask with n ones starting at position i(生成从位置 i 开始的 n 个掩码的最快方法)
Is Visual Studio 2013 optimizing correctly in the presence of /OPT:ICF?(在/OPT:ICF 存在的情况下,Visual Studio 20
STL vectors with uninitialized storage?(带有未初始化存储的 STL 向量?)
std::array with aggregate initialization on g++ generates huge code(在 g++ 上进行聚合初始化的 std::array 生成大
Does GCC inline C++ functions without the #39;inline#39; keyword?(GCC 内联 C++ 函数是否没有“inline关键字?)
Which is faster/preferred: memset or for loop to zero out an array of doubles?(哪个更快/首选:memset 或 for 循环将
Boolean values as 8 bit in compilers. Are operations on them inefficient?(布尔值在编译器中为 8 位.对它们的操