第一个答案没有正确回答问题,因为它占用的空间比应有的多 8 倍.
The first answer doesn't answer the question correctly, since it takes 8 times more space than it should.
How would you do it ? I really need it to save a lot of true/false values.
最简单的方法:取连续的 8 个布尔值,将它们表示为单个字节,将该字节写入您的文件.那会节省很多空间.
Simplest approach : take consecutive 8 boolean values, represent them as a single byte, write that byte to your file. That would save lot of space.
In the beginning of file, you can write the number of boolean values you want to write to the file; that number will help while reading the bytes from file, and converting them back into boolean values!