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      2. 获取非侵入式 boost 序列化 C++ 的私有数据成员


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                  本文介绍了获取非侵入式 boost 序列化 C++ 的私有数据成员的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我尝试为我的非成员 serialize() 函数提供 A 类的 getter,因为从成员访问是私有的.

                  I have tried providing getters of class A for my non-member serialize() function` since accessing from members is private.

                  template<typename T>
                  class A
                    A(const T& id) : m_id(id) {}
                    T& getRef() { return m_id; } // not giving good results
                    T  getId()  { return m_id; } // not giving good results
                    const T& getRef() const { return m_id; } // not giving good results
                  private: // I would like to keep it private
                    T m_id;
                  namespace boost { namespace serialization {
                  template<class Archive,typename T>
                  void serialize(Archive &ar, A &a, const unsigned int version)
                      // ar &BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a.m_id); // I would like to avoid that it works if m_id is public
                      ar &BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a.GetRef()); // I want this !
                  // and later I use
                  std::ofstream ofs("test.xml");
                  boost::archive::xml_oarchive oa(ofs);
                  A<int> a(42);
                  oa << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a);

                  不幸的是,当我尝试使用 getter GetRef()GetId().
                  如果我在公开时直接访问 m_id,则效果很好.

                  Unfortunately the execution keeps telling me uncaught exception of type boost::archive::xml_archive_exception - Invalid XML tag name when I try to use getters either GetRef()or GetId().
                  It works well if I access directly to m_id when it is public.



                  1. 你可以使用老派的好朋友:

                  1. You can use good old-fashioned friends:

                  生活在 Coliru

                  template <typename T>
                  class A {
                      A(const T &id) : m_id(id) {}
                      template <typename Ar, typename U> friend void boost::serialization::serialize(Ar&,A<U>&,const unsigned);
                      T m_id;
                  namespace boost {
                  namespace serialization {
                      template <class Archive, typename T>
                      void serialize(Archive &ar, A<T> &a, const unsigned int)
                          ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a.m_id);

                2. 您可以使用 getRef() 方法.这个

                  • 不需要朋友(较少打扰)
                  • 需要 make_nvp(因为你不能使用 a.getRef() 作为 XML 元素名称
                  • requires no friends (less intrusive)
                  • requires make_nvp (because you can't use a.getRef() as an XML element name

                  遗憾的是,引用 getter 以一种可怕的方式破坏了封装.我个人更喜欢首先公开 m_id.

                  Sadly, having the reference getter break encapsulation in a horrific way. I'd personally prefer to have m_id public in the first place, instead.

                  生活在 Coliru

                  template <typename T>
                  class A {
                      A(const T &id) : m_id(id) {}
                      T& getRef()             { return m_id; } 
                      T const& getRef() const { return m_id; } 
                      T m_id;
                  namespace boost {
                  namespace serialization {
                      template <class Archive, typename T>
                      void serialize(Archive &ar, A<T> &a, const unsigned int)
                          ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("m_id", a.getRef());


                3. 您可以使用pimpl"风格的结构.您可以在 A<> 中转发声明一个结构体:

                  Bonus points:

                4. You can use a 'pimpl' style struct. You can forward declare a struct inside A<>:

                  template <typename T>
                  class A {
                      struct access;
                      A(const T &id) : m_id(id) {}
                      T m_id;

                  这比 getRef() 方法的侵入性要小,后者只是完全破坏了封装.现在,您可以在该类中隐藏私有访问权限:

                  That's less intrusive than the getRef() approach which simply breaks encapsulation all the way. Now, you can hide the private access inside this class:

                  namespace boost {
                  namespace serialization {
                      template <class Archive, typename T>
                      void serialize(Archive &ar, A<T> &a, const unsigned int version)
                          A<T>::access::serialize(ar, a, version);

                  当然,您仍然需要实现它,但这可以在单独的标题中完成,并且根本不会影响类 A<>(或其任何特化):

                  Of course you still need to implement it, but this can be done in a separate header and doesn't influence class A<> (or any of its specializations) at all:

                  template <typename T>
                  struct A<T>::access {
                      template <class Archive>
                      static void serialize(Archive &ar, A<T> &a, const unsigned int) {
                          ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(a.m_id);

                  看看它生活在 Coliru 以及p>

                5. 这篇关于获取非侵入式 boost 序列化 C++ 的私有数据成员的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:C++ 序列化性能 下一篇:如何使用自定义库的 boost 库进行性能测试



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